Easter is not only concerned with recalling the Resurrection of Jesus or its impact on the first disciples but also with the meaning of this event for our own lives and for our faith. The celebration of Easter (and the days of Holy Week leading up to it) are a call for us to change […]
Author Archive | Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
Letter to Parishioners – April 2 – English and Spanish
Question of the Week – April 5
As we go through Holy Week, let us look very carefully at Jesus our Savior. We watch, not just to admire, but also to learn, to penetrate the mind, the thinking, the attitudes and the values of Jesus so that we, in the very different circumstances of our own lives, may walk in His footsteps. […]
Question of the Week – March 29
Death is but a doorway into eternal life. We need not fear the other side. Jesus is waiting for us there. He proved to all of us that there is life after death, by bringing Lazarus back from the dead and by rising for His own grave on Easter morning. This is the Good News […]
Fourth Sunday of Lent – Homily
My dear friends, As Catholics, we are suddenly faced with our Parish doors being locked and limited access to the Sacraments. This can be very disheartening. Now more than ever, we must hold fast to the great virtue of Hope. Now, more than ever, in humility, we knock at the door of heaven in prayer. […]
Question of the Week – March 22
In today’s Gospel, Jesus heals the man who was blind since birth. However, this Gospel story is not just talking about physical blindness. The inner darkness of our fears, attachments, and beliefs is what keeps us from seeing. They cover our eyes like the mud on the eyes of the man born blind. In placing […]
Concerns and Cautions in Regards to the Virus
Stay Up to Date Here The Bishop has directed the following precautions for Masses He has granted a dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and holy days to the following persons most susceptible to the effects of the Corona virus/COVID 19: Those 60 years of age or older Those with chronic illness, […]
Question of the Week – March 15
Lent is a time for us to quench our thirst, to rediscover the meaning of our life in Christ. This is a special time to encounter Jesus like the Samaritan woman at the well, and to be transformed by our encounter with Jesus, like she was. The Lord wants to give us living water. This […]
Question of the Week – March 8
The Transfiguration teaches us that we are meant to see the Vision of God. Unlike the apostles, we do not know Jesus face to face. How, then, do we get a glimpse of Him in all His glory? The central and most important way is in the Mass. At every Eucharist, the Risen Lord is […]
Question of the Week – March 1
Like Jesus did in today’s Gospel, we need to confront and conquer temptations, using the means He employed: Like Jesus, every one of us is tempted to seek sinful pleasures, easy wealth and positions of authority, and is drawn to the use of unjust or sinful means to attain good ends. Jesus sets a model […]