Of all people we would never think would doubt, or should doubt, would be John the Baptist, who knew Jesus as a child, who knew Him and played with Him and was close to Him when he went off into the desert to become and prepare himself for the great role of the prophet, the […]
Author Archive | Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
Question of the Week – December 8
In Matthew’s Gospel, we learn of John’s continued warning for us to be ready for Jesus when He comes again. It is not enough that we are sons and daughters of Abraham, but by our own desire, we want to live a life pleasing to God. The Gospel challenges us to bear fruit. It was […]
Question of the Week – December 1
The passage from Matthew we read today is rather straightforward. No one knows the precise time of the coming of the Lord in glory, so watchful waiting and vigilance are required. The passage speaks to the uselessness of looking for signs; there will be none. As a thief sneaks in during the night, so will […]
Question of the Week – November 24
In today’s Gospel, we hear Jesus saying the reason for His coming – the reason that He was born – was to “bear witness” to the truth. That truth is that God, His Father, is also our loving and forgiving Father, so we are all His children forming one body. Hence, whatever we do for […]
Question of the Week – November 17
It is clear from Luke’s Gospel that when the world ends, some terrifying events will occur. The clear message; however, is that we should not face these events with apprehension, but rather with trust – trust that God wants us to have everlasting life with Him. Instead of being afraid, we are called to find […]
Question of the Week – November 10
As we enter into the final weeks of the church year, our attention is being drawn to the second coming of Christ and the themes of the “Last Things”: death, judgment, Heaven, and hell. And this Sunday’s Gospel is an invitation for us to reflect on the promise of a resurrected life offered us by […]
Question of the Week – November 3
Like Zacchaeus, we all have obstacles in our lives from seeing God who passes our way each day. Some obstacles are inherent (it’s called sin), and some are placed in our way and can come in many forms like people and circumstances. Our own variegated past can easily hinder us from getting clear views of […]
Question of the Week – October 27
The focus of prayer should be to admit our dependence on GOD. Yes, we should do all that we can do – with GOD’s help. There are times we come to prayer with an attitude of superiority and self-righteousness. We turn to GOD in prayer, hoping that GOD would pat us on the back and […]
Question of the Week – October 20
Praying “always” may seem like an impossible task. Is it really possible to do so? Does God even expect this of us? It most certainly is and He most certainly does. No, we will not be called to spend all day, every day, at church in prayer. Not even those called to the cloistered monastic […]
Question of the Week – October 13
Today’s leprosy is not a medical condition or a legal status. It is, rather, a spiritual condition. It is leprosy of the heart. Its symptoms have nothing to do with our skin. Instead they are things like perfectionism, gluttony, sadness, anger, pride, boredom, gossip, the need to control or of approval, fear, being judgmental, restlessness, […]