Dear Parishioners,
I am pleased to inform you that Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament is embarking on a Capital campaign, OUR HOPE, OUR HOME, OUR LADY, to raise money to address some key maintenance issues and upgrades to our parish campus facilities.
With an overall goal of $300,000, the Our Hope, Our Home, Our Lady capital campaign will ensure that the following goals are achieved:
- New roof and improvements to the Church
- New roof and foundation repairs to the Van Den Boogaard Center
- Annual Diocesan Appeal
Our parish campaign will be exempt from the Diocese Cathedraticum Tax so that the money raised will stay here in the parish, except for the money raised for the Annual Appeal. We will receive 25% back on every dollar raised for the Annual Appeal, which this year’s goal is $10,000. We are running both campaigns concurrently, with the Capital Campaign being a 5-year redemption period.
If you would like to support this campaign, please make your check payable to OLBS Capital Campaign and mail to 7800 Carousel Lane, Richmond, VA 23294 or to 207 W. Euclid Boulevard, West Point, VA 23181. Currently we are only processing checks for payment; and not accepting credit card payments or ACH . If there is an overwhelming interest in payment by credit cards, we may review this option for future payments.
Thank you so much for your interest in our parish Capital Campaign, Our Hope, Our Home, Our Lady.
One in the Service of the Lord, I remain,
Fr. Oscar Paraiso, Pastor
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
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Thank you for your continued financial support of our Parish. Should you have any questions, please contact us at the following numbers/email.