There will be some mandated changes to how we practice our Mass. Effective immediately: 1. For those who continue to feel uncomfortable returning to Mass, Bishop Knestout has dispensed all Catholics in the Diocese from their Sunday Mass obligation until the weekend of June 26th & 27th. 2. Everyone who is fully vaccinated may attend […]
Archive | Community
Lenten Schedule 2019
March Calendar Wednesday, March 6th – Ash Wednesday, Masses at 8:30 am and 7:00 pm. A day of Fast and Abstinence. During this sacrificial season, perhaps a donation to one of the many pregnancy alternatives groups might lead a pregnant woman to choose life for her unborn child. These groups sacrifice their time and talent […]
Thank You to Everyone Who Helped with the 100 Year Anniversary
Lots of thanks to Gary Silvia and the Cemetery Committee for doing such a great job with both the St. Theresa Cemetery and the St. John of Kanti Cemetery! They are responsible for having the beautiful new signs put up at St. Theresa’s Cemetery. We thank them for their willingness to look for ways to […]
Trunk or Treat
The Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church is hosting a Truck or Treat on October 28 from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the parking lot. Set up will begin at 7 p.m. Trunk or treaters should be 12 or younger. No weapons with costumes, please. Trunks should be decorated and provide candy for […]
International Potluck Dinner
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat for the Post Abortive Healing Ministry
FOR HEALING AFTER ABORTION, a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat, sponsored by Church of the Epiphany, will be held Oct 12-14, 2018. This retreat is for women and men who have known regret, sorrow, guilt, or shame from abortion. The weekend combines living scripture meditations, spiritual exercises, and discussions in a guided process that leads to the […]

The Catholic Diocese of Richmond Has a New Bishop
Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has named Reverend Barry C. Knestout, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Washington, to serve as the Catholic Diocese of Richmond’s 13th bishop on December 5. Bishop Barry C. Knestout was born in 1962 in Cheverly, Maryland. One of nine children, he grew up in Bowie, Maryland, where he attended […]
Parish Picnic
OLBS Christian Story Time
Listen to a story, make a craft and have fun at Christian Story Time. Every Tuesday at 10 a.m. from July 18 – August 22 at the Boogaard Hall. Bring a friend and join us!
Register for Vacation Bible School 2017
Registration for Vacation Bible School has started. The theme is “Under Construction: Building Our Lives with Jesus”. For ages 3 years old through 7th grade. More information and registration here.