OLBS Pre-School


207 W. Euclid Blvd.
West Point, Virginia 23181
(804) 843-4177
4s Butterflies class: Vangy Lawson and Ashleigh Kohler
3s Caterpillars class: Deidra Kopacki and Michelle Haden

Our Mission


Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Preschool believes each child is special and learns at his/her individual pace. We encourage the children to try new activities, make discoveries, and learn through play. Developmentally appropriate experiences are designed to meet the needs of each child. We create an environment in which the children can celebrate the love of God every day, the love we receive in Jesus through Mary.


Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Preschool is a faith preschool sponsored by Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament and an extension of the church but licensed under the state and their guidelines.

Teacher/pupil ratio is small and allows for individual and small group activities. The classrooms are set up for free exploration, and materials are easily accessible to both child and teacher.

Age appropriate facilities and bathrooms are provided in the classrooms.

Our caring environment is based on the Gospel values of God’s love in Jesus transmitted through the church and staff. We promote learning through expressive play, prayer, and art, as well as through stories, poems, music, movement, blocks, and other manipulatives. Creativity and expression of oneself are explored in a safe and encouraging atmosphere.

Enrollment Period

February – Preschool / Parishioners / Alumni Families
March – Community at large

Arrival & Dismissal

The entrance to the school is in the back of the building. School begins at 9:00 a.m. Parents come in and see their children to their classroom. During dismissal time, we ask that parents wait in the hall until the children are called to come out and get their belongings from their cubbies to go home.


We have fun at school, so your child should be dressed accordingly in clothes that can get dirty. Sneakers or tie shoes are safer for children to wear. Also, send your child with seasonal outerwear for the playground.

A Change of clothing should be provided in case of a toilet accident or a very expressive art project.

Please note that children are to be toilet-trained prior to beginning preschool and should be sent to school without “pull-up” style training pants.


We encourage healthy snacks. Some snack suggestions are:

  • Cut-up fruit
  • Cheese & crackers
  • Pretzels
  • Vegetable sticks
  • 100% juice drinks
  • Water bottles

Practice opening snack containers and packages at home. A napkin or paper towel should be provided from home each day.

Our Daily Schedule

Welcome to a day in the life of our preschool children! The children are Little Sprouts, always growing and learning from experiences at preschool. The children are placed in one of two classes based on age and availability. In both of our education programs, the children have opportunities to socialize with their peers as they learn in a developmentally, age-appropriate setting.

Freeplay Time is a daily opportunity for the children to socialize and interact in a more self-expressive manner. It is here that the children learn to share with one another and develop friendships.

During Circle Time, the children come together as a class for the Pledge of Allegiance, calendar and weather updates, songs, stories, fingerplays, and an introduction of the day’s themed lessons.

Snack is brought to school by the children. Snack Time begins with a special blessing. During Snack Time, we also celebrate birthdays and holidays.

The children also enjoy Story Time, Bible Time, and art projects. Themed lessons are based on science, language, and math concepts, as well as reading readiness and religion.

During the school day, the staff encourages age-appropriate development of fine and gross motor skills, as well as social and cognitive skills. The experiences that the children gain during their wondrous journey through preschool will prepare them for the introduction of a more formal education in kindergarten.

Recess Time is enjoyed as the morning weather temperatures allow. The children certainly enjoy the opportunity to be outdoors, exercising as they play. At time, activities are also planned outside on the church property.

School Calendar

The OLBS Preschool calendar is based on the West Point Public Schools calendar.

In the event of inclement weather, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Preschool follows the West Point Public School closing announcements.

Parent Participation

Parents are welcome to view their child’s interaction in class by watching through the one-way windows on the classroom doors.

The staff also welcome parents to participate through the year for such events as holiday parties, annual Christmas program, field trips, and end-of-year celebration.


2023-2024 Tuition Fees

Tuition is due each month, September – May
4 Year Old Program (Butterflies Class)
3 days / week – $200 / month

3 Year Old Program ( Caterpillars Class)
3 days / week – $200 / month

Registration Fee – $75
(Registration fee is non-refundable)

Weekly Schedule

4 Year Old Program (3 days)
9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

3 Year Old Program (3 days)
9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

There is no discrimination on a basis of race, color, or creed.

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