Question of the Week – November 3

Like Zacchaeus, we all have obstacles in our lives from seeing God who passes our way each day. Some obstacles are inherent (it’s called sin), and some are placed in our way and can come in many forms like people and circumstances. Our own variegated past can easily hinder us from getting clear views of God’s working in our lives. Salvation came to Zacchaeus not by his own initiative by God’s. Grace moved him out to the street and up the tree. Jesus coming to his house for lunch was pure grace. Yet Zacchaeus could have declined the offer as God is not about forced entry. The door must be opened from the inside. We must make the decision to yield to His mercy and receive the gift. And to receive the gift means that our hands must be empty. We have to let go of some things if we want to grasp the hand of Christ.

Adults: What in your life is blocking you from completely receiving Jesus’ gift?

Children: Do you sometimes hold on too tightly to things that might keep you from Jesus’ mercy and grace?

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