Question of the Week – September 24

What really bothers us in the parable is God’s equal rewarding of latecomers and newcomers. Will it be the same for us? Is the man who lives a life of sin but who converts on his deathbed going to get the same reward that we receive? Surely we must warrant at least a high ranking in heaven on a cloud with the Apostle Paul or Moses or one of the saints! But the parable tells us that our Heavenly reward is not something we earn but rather a free gift. God has made His rewards available to all through Faith in Christ Jesus. Is it fair that God gives his grace to all? Fair is the wrong word. God does not deal with us “fairly” and it is a good thing. We should be thankful God does not give us what we deserve. The word we are looking for is grace, that undeserved love that God gives us through the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Adults: Who needs you to treat them with care this week?

Children: Does it feel better to treat others fairly or generously?

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